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IPython with PyLab Breaks Built-ins like any() and all()

Posted on Wed 23 January 2013 in Tips

Ipython's PyLab breaks some uses of any(), all(), and possibly other built-in functions. Here's a normal IPython shell:

In [1]: all([x for x in [0,1,2]])
Out[1]: False

In [2]: all(x for x in [0,1,2])
Out[2]: False

In [3]: all
Out[3]: <function all>

And here's IPython with the pylab flag:

>ipython --pylab
In [1]: all([x for x in [0,1,2]])
Out[1]: False

In [2]: all(x for x in [0,1,2])
Out[2]: True

In [3]: all
Out[3]: <function numpy.core.fromnumeric.all>

Why is all(x for x in [0,1,2]) true? Pylab replaces Python's all() with Numpy's all(), and Numpy's all() doesn't know what to do with a generator expression, so it turns it into a numpy array of size one containing a reference to the generator object. Put another way, it basically runs this code:

generator = (x for x in [0,1,2])

The generator never runs, but Numpy's all does look at the truthiness of the generator object. Since generator is truthy, np.all(x for x in [0,1,2]) returns True.

According to one of the IPython developers, this is "expected behavior". Yay? A bug was filed and closed for Python and PyLab

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Jeff McGee — builder, problem solver, teacher, and general nerd.

jeffamcgee AT gmail