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Jeff McGee's Blog of Messages Worth Passing

Sharing Models Between Node and the Browser

Posted on Fri 03 May 2013 in General

Imagine you're building a web app in Django, and you want the user to enter a number between 1 and 100 on a web form. Where do you put the code to check that the number is between 1 and 100? If you want a slick user interface, you have to write code in Javascript to verify the number. If an invalid number could lead to security issues or other bugs, you have to write the same code in Python to run on the server and verify the number. Modern web development is not DRY; it's WET: Write Everything Twice.

I've been playing with node.js lately. What originally attracted me to Node.js was the idea of sharing logic between the client and the server. This turned out to be harder than I expected.

In this blog post, I look at creating a simple node.js website that communicates over and uses Knockout's models on both the client and the server. The demo program is a chess board with two black rooks that anyone visiting the site can move around.

I will be using Express as backend website framework, MongoDB for the database, Underscore for functional programming, Knockout as the MVC framework, for real-time communication, and Browserify for bundling everything together and making CommonJS modules work in the browser. (I wrote in detail why I choose to use Knockout, but it got to be so long that I made it into a separate post.)

Sharing Models

This is more of a proof-of-concept that a tutorial, so I'm not going to go through all the details of developing for node.js and Knockout; I'm going to assume you've been through the tutorial for Express and Knockout. If you'd like to run the code, you should can grab the source code from GitHub. Disclaimer: I'm not an expert at node.js so there are probably things that could be done better. This was mostly an experiment to play with some new technologies.

As I said previously, I'm going to build a simple chess board with two rooks. So let's start out with the goal, and build everything around that:

  • We want Javascript objects that work in both a browser and in Node.
  • The fields in the objects should be knockout observables.
  • The chess pieces need a method that can determine if a chess move is valid.

Let's do this by making two models: one to represent the game, and another to represent each piece.

var ko = require('knockout');
var BOARD_SIZE = 8;

var GameModel = function(data) {
  this.players = ko.observableArray(["black","white"]);
  this.pieces = ko.observableArray([]);

var PieceModel = function(data) {
  this.owner = ko.observable("black");
  this.location = ko.observable([0,0]);

  this.isValidMove = function(move) {
    // check that move is a valid move for a rook.
    var loc = this.location();
    if( move[0]<0 || move[0]>=BOARD_SIZE || move[1]<0 || move[1]>=BOARD_SIZE ) {
      return false;
    var vert = (loc[0]===move[0] && loc[1]!==move[1]);
    var horz = (loc[0]!==move[0] && loc[1]===move[1]);
    return vert || horz;

module.exports = {

You should notice that this is a CommonJS module—it looks like code for Node.js. This module uses require() to import Knockout, and module.exports to export GameModel and PieceModel. Node expects code to be in CommonJS modules, but CommonJS is not a good format for a web browser because require loads modules synchronously. We'll look at that fixing that next.

Browserify is a tool that will combine a bunch of CommonJS modules into a single javascript file. We'll add the commands to run Browserify in serve.js so that it runs each time the development server starts up. (In production, you will want to have Browserify bundle and minify the Javascript as part of deployment.) The code below tells Browserify to combine main.js and all of its dependencies into one file, bundle.js:

var browserify = require('browserify');
var browserFiles = browserify(['./static/js/main.js']);
var bundle = browserFiles.bundle({});

So we now have a file models.js that contains Knockout models that run in node.js and get bundled into a file that can run in the browser.

The next step is to hook up communication between the server and the client. We need a way to convert the Knockout models into something that is JSON-serializable. I added a method toJS() which converts GameModel and PieceModel objects to plain javascript objects. I also modified the GameModel and PieceModel constructors to use the data parameter. Here's the updated PieceModel:

var PieceModel = function(data) {
  // construction
  if ( !(this instanceof PieceModel) ) { return new PieceModel(data); }
  var proto = { location:[0,0], owner:"black" };
  _.extend(proto, data);

  // properties
  this.owner = ko.observable(proto.owner);
  this.location = ko.observable(proto.location);

  // serialization
  this.toJS = function() {
    return {owner:this.owner(), location:this.location()};
  // ... more stuff including isValidMove ...

I did something similar with GameModel, so this code is starting to get a bit boilerplatey for my taste. The Knockout Mapping module may help with this.


Now let's start talking between the client and the server. In routes/socket.js we create a server that listens for connections from the browser:

var models = require('../models');
var game = new models.GameModel();

module.exports = function (socket) {
  socket.emit('startup', game.toJS());

  // socket.on('move', ... );


This code creates one global game that all clients will share. That's fine for now, but in a real system you would obviously want to store this game in a database of some sort.

When the server gets a new connection, it sends a serialized version of the game to the browser. In static/main.js, which runs on the browser, we wait for the server to send us a copy of that game. When we get the game, we call ko.applyBindings to start up Knockout:

socket.on('startup', function (data) {
  game = new models.GameModel(data);

We set up an event handler to detect when the user drags and drops a chess piece. When the user moves a rook, we check that the move is valid by calling isValidMove from static/main.js. If the move is valid, we send a message to the server:

if(piece.isValidMove(loc)) {
  socket.emit('move', { id: bindingContext.$index(), location: loc });

The server gets the move message with the piece id and the new location. The server also checks that the move is valid. If it is, then we send a message to all the clients to move the piece.

socket.on('move', function (data) {
  var piece = game.pieces()[];
  if(piece.isValidMove(data.location)) {
    socket.broadcast.emit('move', data);
    socket.emit('move', data);
  } else {
    console.error('invalid move');

All of the clients have code that receives that message and moves the rooks:

socket.on('move', function (data) {

And there you have it. A tiny chess board with logic shared between the client and server in Javascript. The full source code (with installation instructions) is on GitHub.

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Jeff McGee — builder, problem solver, teacher, and general nerd.

jeffamcgee AT gmail